Friday, March 5, 2010

Reading and Viewing Check

1. He uses his stand up to enter the gym with the children. He uses the Rule of Threes and the Non Question/Question.

2. The close.

3. He shows what the conflict is and shows how she feels and how she has grown since that little girl back in that classroom prison.

4. He did the story on how the Americans mistreated not only the Japanese, but also the Italians and Germans and even Jews. Also the man who was in a camp later created the USS Arizona memorial.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Lives Lost

The rule of threes was shown when he asked what the students liked about the girls and they replied with many answers and repeated different things they liked.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Friday, February 19, 2010

Tiger Woods

Fan: As a fan i believe the apology message by Tiger was very sincere. He addressed what he did and made many coments that show he is trying to take steps in the right direction. He is entering rehab again and working on his personal life which i believe is by far the most important right now.

Reporter: A a reporter i would believe he did a good job of addressing his problems head on. He clearly stated what he did and has proved that he will only be working on his personal life until he feels it is secure. I am a little dissappointed he will not be opening up to the public but he never has so that isn't much change. I thought it was very respectful to tell reporters to stay away from his children, wife, and mother.

Monday, February 8, 2010


Never Look Back

Newspaper Closings

Newspaper sales are falling drastically. Many large cities, including Minneapolis, may lose their daily newspaper due to falling rates. Newspapers earn 80% of their earnings from advertisement. That number is slowly dropping due to companies putting their money into TV and internet.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Notes on News

Broadcast Journalism is the airing of news/current events instantaneously through TV, radio, or internet. News is an account of events that interest and concern the public.
Six Criteria of Newsworthiness.
1. Unusualness- Story is out of the ordinary.
2. Significance- - Story affects many people.
3. Timeliness- Currently affecting people.
4. Proximity- Nearby news, local news.
5. Prominence- Important icons or figures invloved in the story.
6. Human Interest- Have emotional or personal appeal that draws attention.
Difference of Print and Broadcast Journalism.
1. In print, readers can choose what they want to read.
2. In print, the stories are usually more in depth and provide fuller coverage.
3. In broadcast, you receive the news instantly.
4. In broadcast, the stories are the most dramatic.
5. In broadcast, you can hear or see the event.
News Events of the Six Criteria
1. Man carried 9 miles by stranger
2. First stimulus prject almost done
3. Recalls don't scare loyal Toyota fans
4. Could lottery fund stadium?
5. Dr. Murray could faces charges of Jackson's death
6. Remembering the wars' fallen